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降落伞几何建模和网格剖分是降落伞流固耦合数值仿真的基础。文章建立了包括伞衣主体、径向带、伞顶孔和底边加强带的降落伞精细几何模型,并基于软件开发平台VS2010使用C++语言设计并实现了针对该几何模型的网格自动剖分器。该剖分器采用约束Delaunay剖分算法,具有良好的理论基础、生成的网格质量(quality)高,满足降落伞数值仿真对网格质量的要求;并提供接口可将顶点和网格信息导入到商用软件中做进一步求解分析。实验证明,使用文中网格剖分器生成的网格,不但网格单元质量优于使用商用软件生成的网格,而且在网格单元质量相似的情况下,网格单元数量相对较少。同时,该网格在数值仿真中表现良好。 Parachute geometric modeling and meshing are the foundation of numerical simulation of parachute fluid-structure interaction. In this paper, a detailed geometric model of a parachute including the main body of the umbrella canopy, the radial belt, the umbrella top hole and the bottom reinforcing strip was established. Based on the software development platform VS2010, a Cellular autopilot was designed and implemented based on the geometric model . The dissector adopts constrained Delaunay algorithm and has a good theoretical basis. The generated grid has high quality and meets the requirements of grid quality for parachute numerical simulation. It also provides an interface to import vertex and grid information into Commercial software for further solution analysis. Experiments show that, using the grid generated by the grid dissector, the quality of the grid unit is better than the grid generated by the commercial software, and the grid units are relatively small in the case of similar grid unit quality. At the same time, the grid performs well in numerical simulation.