有关李之藻制作地球仪的记载,见利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610)于1608年底至1610年初在中国用意大利文撰写的他在中国传教的经历.原稿计分五卷八十章.关于此地球仪之事,见第四卷第十五章.利氏手稿现存罗马耶稣会档案馆.金尼阁(Nicholas Trigault,1577-1628)将利氏原稿译成拉丁文(对原稿有所增删)出版,名为《基督教远征中国史》.汾屠立(Tacchi Venturi)将原稿连同利氏书信一起出版,名为《利玛窦神父历史著作集》.德礼贤(Paqsuale M.D’Elia)在此基础上增加注释出版,名为《利玛窦全集——天主教中国开教史》.在汾屠立和德礼贤本中均有李之藻制作地球仪之事,而金尼阁本则将此内容略去,十分可惜.
For a biography of Li Zhixian in the making of the globe, see Matteo Ricci’s (1552-1610) mission to China in China from the end of 1608 to early 1610, written in five volumes and eighty chapters. Earth, see Volume IV, Chapter 15. Ricci Manuscripts Existing Rome Jesuit Archives. Nicholas Trigault (1577-1628) Translating Ricci Manuscripts into Latin (with Additions to the Original) Publication Titled “Chinese History of Christian Expeditions.” Tacchi Venturi published the manuscript in conjunction with the Letts Epistles entitled “Father Ricci’s Historical Works.” Paqsuale M. D’Elia On this basis, an additional annotation is published, entitled “Complete Works of Ricci - History of Catholic Education in China.” There are things in the Tu Tu alley and virtuoso Li Zhizao making the globe, while the Kennedy Ben this will slightly Go, very pity.