【出 处】
<正> 我国纺织工业经过四十五年的发展和演变,取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而发展到今日,遇到了前所未有的困难,可以说,这是纺织工业发展到一定程度后各种矛盾冲突激化的结果。
The effect of rice bran supplementation on some physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat bread was deter mined. Blends of wheat flour and rice bran (95:5
Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Myeloperoxidase Synergy in Establishing and Maintaining the Normal Flor
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are incapable of cytochrome synthesis and lack the heme electron transport mechanisms required for efficient oxygen-based metabolism.
不昔什么事,第一次给人的印象是最新鲜的。我曾经三上蛇岛,然而,至今记忆犹新的仍是初登蛇岛时那惊险万状的情景。 那是我调来新华社大连支社当记者的第二年。1985年暮春时
A Case Study on the Impact of Mother-to-Mother Support Groups on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nu
Only about 25% of babies are exclusively breast fed until six months of age in developing countries though they are at a greater risk of infection and infant mo