【摘 要】
LOCATED in the mined-out areas of primary gold placers, the regenerated gold placers in permafrost zonesare a kind of special low temperature deposit formed un
【出 处】
Chinese Science Bulletin
LOCATED in the mined-out areas of primary gold placers, the regenerated gold placers in permafrost zonesare a kind of special low temperature deposit formed under modem cold climate conditions. Although theregeneration phenomenon was first discovered in South America, the scale and periodicity of the regeneration are more evident in permafrost environment of Northern Hemisphere.
LOCATED in the mined-out areas of primary gold placers, the regenerated gold placers in permafrost zones, a kind of special low temperature deposit formed under modem cold climate conditions. Although there was phenomenon was first discovered in South America, the scale and periodicity of the regeneration are more evident in permafrost environment of Northern Hemisphere.
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