英语能力的形成必须以高效地教、深入地学、彻底地做为基础,是一门综合性、实践性的课程。尤其是在中职英语的教学中,更应该将陶行知先生提出的“教学做合一”作为教学的基本策略,这就要求教师必须要通过实践体验、记忆分析、熟练操作等方式来强化学生的认知能力。但遗憾的是,由于很多教师对“教学做合一”的认知存有偏颇,导致当下中职英语的教学陷入了机械与尴尬之中。下面笔者以《Chapter 2 Staying in a ho-
The formation of English ability must be efficiently and deeply learned and thoroughly based on, is a comprehensive, practical course. Especially in the teaching of secondary vocational English, we should regard “teaching to be one” put forward by Mr. Tao Xingzhi as the basic strategy of teaching, which requires that teachers must pass the practice experience, memory analysis and proficiency operation To enhance students’ cognitive abilities. However, unfortunately, many teachers are biased in their understanding of “teaching and learning to be one”, resulting in the current teaching of secondary vocational English into a mechanical and embarrassing. The following author to "Chapter 2 Staying in a ho-