欧洲阿丽亚娜航天公司7日宣布,法国巴黎时间7日凌晨4时6分(北京时间10时6分),“织女星”小型运载火箭从法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心发射升空,将3颗卫星送入轨道。三颗卫星分别是欧洲航天局的“普罗巴5号”小型卫星、越南的“VNRED Sat-1”卫星和爱沙尼亚的“爱沙尼亚立方体一号”卫星。“普罗巴5号”卫星携带有最先进的植被观测仪器,将从太阳同步轨道观测全球植被覆盖和生长情况。越南的
Europe Ariane Aerospace announced on the 7th that on the 7th of the French at 4:06 a.m. on the 7th (GMT 10: 6), the “Vega” small carrier rocket was launched from the Kourou Aerospace Center in French Guiana. Put three satellites into orbit. The three satellites are the European Space Agency’s mini-Probol 5 satellite, the VNRED Sat-1 satellite from Viet Nam and the Estonia One Estonia Cube. “Proba 5” satellite carries state-of-the-art vegetation observation instruments that will observe global vegetation cover and growth from the sun’s synchronous orbit. Vietnam’s