Reliability is an important factor restricting the widespread use of low-voltage power line carrier communications. As a public network, the safety of low-voltage distribution network communication is also getting more and more attention. The advantages and disadvantages of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology and Chaos Frequency Hopping (CFH) technology applied in power line communication are discussed based on the improvement of communication reliability and security. The feasibility of combining the two technologies is analyzed. And designs a CFH-OFDM system suitable for high-speed power line carrier communication. The system introduces chaos frequency hopping technology into Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) encoding, improves the system’s ability to resist channel noise and improves the security of communication system. Simulation results show that this method can improve the error correction capability of system communication and ensure the reliability of communication, and provide a reference method for improving the information security of low-voltage power line carrier communication system.