一、定义歧义(ambiguity)是自然语言的一种普遍现象,它指的是一个语句具有两种以上可穷尽的、具体的、独立的释义。歧义的多义性和含糊(vagueness)的多义性不同,后者指的是一个语句,由于缺乏一个具体的、明确的意义,即语句没有给交际对象提供足够的信息,而产生的多种释义。这种多义常带有释义者对语句解释的主观性,是难以穷尽的。比较:1.1 He ran to the girl with flowers.
First, the definition Ambiguity (ambiguity) is a common phenomenon in natural language, it refers to a statement with more than two kinds of exhaustive, specific, independent interpretation. The ambiguity of ambiguity differs from the ambiguity of vagueness, which refers to a statement that due to a lack of a specific, unambiguous meaning that the statement does not provide adequate information to the communicant, multiple Interpretation. This kind of polysemy often leads to the interpretation of the subjectivity of the sentence, it is difficult to exhaustive. Compare: 1.1 He ran to the girl with flowers.