《语文课程标准》强调:在阅读教学过程中,要构建崭新的师生关系,加强师生互动,把学习的主动权还给学生,调动学生的学习积极性,激励学生自主学习。在教学实践中,适当地进行师生角色互换,给学生以当“小先生”的机会,可以使学生产生强烈的新奇感、荣誉感和责任感,从而促进学生积极主动地参与学习,自主地开展学习活动。一、角色互换的方式 1.生扮师。即学生扮演教师角色,进行知识传授或方法指导。这种方式常用于检查学生
The standard of Chinese Curriculum emphasizes: In the process of reading teaching, it is necessary to construct brand-new relationship between teachers and students, strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, give back the initiative of learning to students, arouse their enthusiasm for learning and encourage students to study independently. In teaching practice, proper exchange of roles of teachers and students to students as a “small” opportunities, can make students have a strong sense of novelty, honor and sense of responsibility, thus promoting students to take the initiative to participate in learning, autonomy Carry out learning activities. First, the role of the exchange of 1. Health as a teacher. That is, students play the role of teacher, imparting knowledge or methodological guidance. This method is often used to check students