伟大领袖毛主席亲自发动的教育界、科技界的革命大辩论,如大海的怒涛,奔腾向前。农林科技战线广大革命干部和革命群众,在各级党委领导下,以极大的无产阶级革命义愤,批判刮右倾翻案风的人搞复辟倒退的种种奇谈怪论,并以开门办科研,走与工农相结合道路的实际行动,来回击右倾翻案风。 刮右倾翻案风的人叫喊:“不宜笼统提开门办所”,“这种创新还是少点
The great debate initiated by Chairman Mao personally in the educational circles and the scientific and technological circles, such as the anger of the sea, made Pentium move forward. Under the leadership of the Party committees at all levels, the revolutionary cadres and the revolutionary masses in the agricultural, forestry, scientific and technological front have, under the leadership of the party committees at all levels, criticized the odd and strange theories of turning back and retrogressing the tyrants of the proletariat revolutionary revolutionary work and opened the door to run scientific research, The combination of workers and peasants on the road of actual action, back and forth hit the right turn over the case of the wind. Scratch right over the wind case of people shouting: “should not be generally open the door to do”, "This innovation is still less