The Daziyang Shan mount Situated about 3km Northenst of the Forest police Subgroup station of Daziyang Monnt and on the Secondary terrace on the left bank of Naduli River, which is upper reaches of Nenjoiang River. the site Covers approxi mately 6, 000 59m. In 1989, the Heilong jiang Provincial Institute of Culural Relics investigated the site and Collected some specimens . The remains mainly stone arti facts and some pottery fragments Among those stone artifacts, there were cores.flakes . Most of them were fine stone artifacts . This site either had entered into ear ly Neolithic Period or consisted of two different of Period of remains which mainly reflected Late paleolithic Period culture
The Daziyang Shan mount Situated about 3km Northenst of the Forest police Subgroup station of Daziyang Monnt and on the Secondary terrace on the left bank of Naduli River, which is upper reaches of Nenjoiang River. The site Covers approxi mately 6,000m 59m. In 1989 The heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Culural Relics investigated the site and Collected some specimens. The remains mainly stone arti facts and some pottery fragments Among those stone artifacts, there were cores.flakes. Most of them were fine stone artifacts. This site either had had entered into ear ly Neolithic Period or consisted of two different of Period of remains which mainly reflected Late paleolithic Period culture