信息的标题是信息内容的集中体现。标题像信息的“眼睛”,如“眼睛”炯炯有神,它就像磁铁一样,一下子就把读者(接受者)吸引住了,非把这条信息读完不可。由此可见,拟好信息标题,的确可起到“画龙点睛”的作用。信息标题的形式通常有以下几种: (1)以具体事实为依据进行命题。这种“概意式”命题是最常见的。如:《领导干部身边人员违法违纪问题不容忽视》、《××县6名领导卖
The title of the message is a concentrated expression of the content. The “eyes,” such as the “eye,” of the headline-like message, is like a magnet. It attracts the reader (receiver) at once and does not finish reading the message. This shows that the proposed information title can indeed play a “finishing touch” role. Information in the form of the title usually have the following: (1) based on specific facts propositions. This “approximate” proposition is the most common. Such as: “Leading cadres around the law violations can not be ignored”, "× × County 6 leaders sell