The Rheological Property and Foam Morphology of Linear Polypropylene and Long Chain Branching Polypr

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camino
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The rheological behavior, thermal properties and foam morphology of linear polypropylene and long chain branching polypropylene prepared through UV irradiation reactive extrusion were studied by rheological test, melt index test, DSC and supercritical carbon dioxide foaming technology. Rheological test and melt index test confirmed that under UV irradiation and extrusion, adding photo-initiator and cross-linking agent could achieve the purpose of branching, thus improved the melt strength of polypropylene effectively. The DSC results revealed that with the introducing of long chain branching, the melting range of the polypropylene broadened and the crystallization temperature increased. Owing to the introduction of long chain branches, polypropylene exhibited higher melt strength and strain hardening behavior. Compared with linear polypropylene, the foam morphologies of long chain branching polypropylene were more uniform. Rheological behavior, thermal properties and foam morphology of linear polypropylene and long chain branching polypropylene prepared through UV irradiation reactive extrusion were studied by rheological test, melt index test, DSC and supercritical carbon dioxide foaming technology. Rheological test and melt index test confirmed that under UV irradiation and extrusion, adding photo-initiator and cross-linking agent could achieve the purpose of branching, thus improving the melt strength of polypropylene effectively. The DSC results revealed that with the introduction of long chain branching, the melting range of the polypropylene broadened Owing to the introduction of long chain branches, polypropylene with higher melt strength and strain hardening behavior.
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