张思德同志牺牲和毛主席发表《为人民服务》讲话60年了。在这样-个特殊的日子里,作为张思德同志生前的战友,我格外怀念他。 60年前,为了进一步增加边区抗日军民的物资供应,继续坚持抗战,赢得最后胜利,张思德同志遵照毛主席的指示上山开荒种地、烧木炭。后来,因炭窑崩塌,牺牲在工作岗位上。张思德同志是忠诚的革命战士,是忠实地为人民服务的共产党员。我们永远怀念他,更应该牢记“为人民服务”的宗旨。
Comrade Zhang Dede sacrifices and Chairman Mao’s speech on “serving the people” for 60 years. In such a special day, as comrade Zhang Dede’s lifetime comrades, I miss him. Sixty years ago, in order to further increase the supplies of anti-Japanese military and civilian resources in the border areas, they continued to uphold the war of resistance and won the final victory. Comrade Zhang Side started up land and planted wasteland of charcoal in accordance with the instructions of Chairman Mao. Later, due to collapse of the charcoal, sacrificed at work. Comrade Zhang Dede is a loyal revolutionary fighter and a communist who faithfully serves the people. We will never miss him, but we should keep in mind the principle of “serving the people”.