花生是半易腐败物质,在适宜的条件下可以贮藏5年,但是在不适于贮藏的情况下,在一个月内就可能由于霉菌、昆虫、变色、吸收异味变味或酸败而不能食用。 通常花生的收获和消费之间要有一个期间,经验证明这个期间的包装和冷藏非常重要。首要的问题是:怎样贮藏;在什么地方贮藏;什么时候贮藏和贮藏什么?冬季贮藏花生无需予以特别注意,但当春季气温逐渐升高时,除非冷藏或采取保护措施,否则几个星期内荚果就会败坏或受虫伤。Woodrog和Heaton(1961)确定
Peanuts are semi-perishable substances that can be stored for 5 years under suitable conditions, but not suitable for storage, they may not be eaten within one month due to mold, insect, discoloration, odor absorption or rancidity. There is usually a period between the harvest and consumption of peanuts. Experience has shown that it is important to package and refrigerate this period. The primary questions are: how to store, where to store, what time to store and store. Winter peanuts need no special attention, but when spring temperatures rise, the pods It will corrupt or suffer insect damage. Woodrog and Heaton (1961)