屯田营组为延吉盆地一套中性火山岩夹火山碎屑沉积岩,地质时代长期归于晚侏罗世或中侏罗世,前人对安图县明月镇该组孢粉分析,认为属早白垩世Berriasian期.本文经对龙井市葆园该组孢粉研究,认为以Cic-atricosisporites-Pilosisporites-Aequitriradites为代表的孢粉组合时代为Berriasian期-Valanginian期.从而提出葆园屯田营组应为上部,安图县明月镇该组应为下部的意见.孢粉组合指示龙井县葆园地区这一时期有着繁盛的植被,包括真蕨纲、石松纲的蕨类植物,松柏纲、苏铁纲的裸子植物及少数苔藓类的藓纲植物,推测属温暖湿润的亚热带气候.“,”The Tuntianying Formation, named in 1959, is a series of volcanic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks under neath the Changcai Formation in the Yanji Basin. It distributes mainly in Mingyue Town of Antu County, Laotougou, Tianbaoshan, Shilipu and Wangqing areas in Longjing City. Because of the insufficiency of study on volcanic movements and deficiency of biostratigraphic data,the definition, geological age and subdivision of the Tuntianying Formation remain debatable. The geological age of the Tuntianying Formation has been regarded as the Middle or Late Jurassic for a long period before Li(2001) assigned it to Berriasian of the Early Cretaceous based on palynomorphs in the Tuntianying Formation of Mingyue Town, Antu County. We studied palynomorphs in the Tuntianying Formation of Baoyuan, Longjing City to discuss the geological age and subdivision of the Tuntianying Formation further, and to provide more evidence for subdivision and correlation of Mesozoic volcanic strata inside and outside the Yanji Basin. The 2 samples were collected from Bed 4 in the section from Baoyuan railway station to the Laotougou coal mine which was first measured by Zhang Chuan-bo in 1980.