An Emergent Framework of Disaster Risk Governance towards Innovating Coping Capability for Reducing

来源 :International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chicagousa
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An emergent framework of disaster risk governance is presented as an implementation strategy for integrated risk management that incorporates innovative local coping capabilities that reduce disaster vulnerability. This framework calls for enhancement of self-support and mutualassistance through strengthening informal or social networking efforts in local communities, rather than depending on formal or institutional governmental-assistance. The framework is supported by a societal platform of disaster risk information, called DRIP, which the NIED(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan) has developed since 2006 as a tool that promotes improved disaster risk governance. With the help of DRIP, residents, communities, and other stakeholders, linked horizontally or vertically with social networks, can(1) improve their awareness of disaster risks and management issues by sharing risk information as scientific expertise, experiential knowledge, and local/folk wisdom;(2) customize risk communication through analytic deliberation of risk information by employing risk-scenarios developed by residents themselves;(3) develo p collaborative activities for informed decision-making that can fully utilize local resources to reorganize coping capability against disaster risks; and(4) disseminate the generated risk scenarios with action plans to other residents who have not participated in the risk communication process.
<正> 党委中心组学习是领导干部日常政治学习的重要形式,是加强领导班子建设的重要内容,也是提高领导干部思想理论水平和领导能力,增强领导班子战斗力的重要措施。然而,如何