当前任西点军校校长戴夫·帕尔默说:“随便给我一个人,只要不是精神分裂症,我就可以把他培养成为世界上最伟大的领导者。”多数人不以为然。对常人来讲,领导力是天生的,后天很难培养。尽管以前看了大量西点有关领导力的书,但对西点如何培养领军人物仍缺乏切身的感受。前不久,我带北大国际 MBA 的4名学生到西点考察,有幸参加了西点士官生入学仪式和彩排的全部过程,深刻体会到西点军校培养领导者的精心设计和安排,感悟很深,震动很大。
Current president of the West Point Dave Palmer said: “Just give me a person, as long as not schizophrenia, I can train him to become the world’s greatest leader.” "Most people disagree. For ordinary people, leadership is born, it is hard to cultivate the day after tomorrow. Although a large number of West Point books on leadership have been viewed before, there is a lack of personal feeling about how West Point fostered leaders. Not long ago, I took the Peking University International MBA 4 students to study at the West Point, fortunate enough to participate in the West Point official enrollment ceremony and rehearsal of the entire process, a profound understanding of West Point training leaders to elaborate design and arrangements, deep feeling, very shock Big.