
来源 :社会科学管理与评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amwaydog
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This article sums up the splendid achievements and historical experience of philosophy and social science in order to provide historical enlightenment since the establishment of new China. It holds that we should keep abreast of the times and the needs of the developing conditions,and have a grasp of the development rules of philosophy and social sciences in order to promote the rapid development of China’s philosophy and social sciences in the 21st century. The author proposes that we must understand and deal with ten aspects of relations as follows in a proper way:adhering to Marxism and developing Marxism; sticking to “two for” and “let a hundred flowers bloom,let a hundred schools of thoughts strive” ;theory studying and be bold in putting theory into practice; basic theory study,applied theory study and study on strategy; team research and personal research; philosophy and social sciences and natural sciences,etc. This article sums up the splendid achievements and historical experience of philosophy and social science in order to provide historical enlightenment since the establishment of new China. It holds that we should keep abreast of the times and the needs of the developing conditions, and have a grasp of the development rules of philosophy and social sciences in order to promote the rapid development of China’s philosophy and social sciences in the 21st century. The author wants that we must understand and deal with ten aspects of relations as follows in a proper way: adhering to Marxism and developing Marxism; sticking to “two for ” and “let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thoughts strive ”; theory studying and be bold in putting theory into practice; basic theory study, applied theory study and study on strategy; team research and personal research; philosophy and social sciences and natural sciences, etc.
一、当代巫山神女传说的形态   作为三峡地区极具传奇性的神女传说虽然大致秉承乐善好施的地方保护神的特质,然而在当代的流传中仍然呈现出与时代和人们意愿以及与地方传统相结合的变异性和地方性来。   由于当代民间流传的神女传说脱胎于杜光庭的创作,因而有必要将凝聚其创作的收于《太平御览》中的相关记载引用出来,以期与当代民间流传的巫山神女传说进行比较。   《太平御览·襄阳耆旧记》记载的巫山神女故事讲的是: