“The True Color of Heroes” is a film with epoch-making significance in the late 1980s in Hong Kong. It ranks first-class among many aspects such as performance line-up, plot, picture structure and characterization. It seems that Overnight, Little Macros are popular in both the north and the south. It can be said that all the people who have watched the film amazed at the image of the super-fellow with a matchstick. Imagine yourself holding the sub-cigarette look like a dream often appear, shiny shine small heads we have to follow suit. It seems that in those days, all those with a heroic complex could find their own channels of venting and showing off. I also inevitable. It is only for professional reasons that I have to revisit the period of excitement I had in the information age today. I follow Chow Yun Fat’s glorious image and analyze him as a model pony Brother’s clues.