
来源 :国际脑血管病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glory001
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急性基底动脉闭塞(acute basilar artery occlusion, ABAO)是缺血性卒中的一种亚型,其起病急、预后差,因此如何选择治疗方案显得极为重要。早期开通闭塞血管是治疗ABAO的关键。再灌注治疗(静脉溶栓、动脉溶栓、血管内机械血栓切除、桥接治疗)对于前循环急性大血管闭塞患者的安全性和有效性已得到证实。然而,迄今尚未针对后循环卒中的再灌注治疗进行过大样本随机对照试验。文章就ABAO再灌注治疗的研究进展进行了综述。“,”Acute basilar artery occlusion (ABAO) is a subtype of ischemic stroke with acute onset and poor prognosis. Therefore, how to choose a treatment regimen is extremely important. Early recanalization of the occluded vessels is the key to the treatment of ABAO. The safety and effectiveness of reperfusion therapy (intravenous thrombolysis, arterial thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, and bridging therapy) for patients with acute anterior circulation large vessel occlusion have been confirmed. However, no large-scale randomized controlled trial has been conducted for reperfusion therapy of posterior circulation stroke. This article reviews the research progress of reperfusion therapy for ABAO.
简要介绍了FIR低通滤波器的一种设计方法和幅频特性。着重分析了通道复用技术和实现方法,并给出了滤波的总操作框图。 A brief introduction to the FIR low-pass filter de