1 凿井钻杆折断的预防措施1.1 首先使用物探方法进行地面勘测地层地质情况确定打井深度,宜井位置,并做出井孔结构设计及凿井施工方案。1.2 根据井孔的设计深度和直径,合理选用钻具,避免超负荷使用。1.3 根据地层情况,合理选用钻进参数,在坚硬破碎复杂地层,避免用高转速,以防突然憋钻而扭断钻杆。1.4 使用小直径钻杆钻进大直径井孔,应采用2次或多次扩孔成孔。1.5 钻具发生卡埋事故,一般应先排除孔内故障,再进行提
1 sinking drill pipe breaking prevention measures 1.1 First of all, the use of geophysical methods of geological survey Stratigraphic geological conditions to determine the depth of wells, the location of wells, and to make borehole structure design and construction plans. 1.2 According to the design of the borehole depth and diameter, reasonable selection of drilling tools, to avoid overload. 1.3 According to the formation conditions, a reasonable choice of drilling parameters, hard and complex fractures in the ground, to avoid the use of high speed, to prevent the sudden rejection of drill pipe while holding drill. 1.4 Use small diameter drill pipe to drill large diameter hole, should be used 2 times or more reaming hole. 1.5 drilling accident occurred card, the general should first rule out the hole failure, and then mention