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近来,大家对土壤盐碱化问题很关心。盐碱化到底是怎么回事?有的说:“盐随水来,盐随水去”,这话该怎样理解?到底怎样来,怎样去?从何处来,向何方去?来、去与盐碱化的关系怎样?搞清这些问题,就可搞清土壤盐碱化发生、发展的规律及其演变过程,也就可为防治盐碱化指出方向和途径。因此,在这里我们先简要地说明一下什么叫盐碱化,然后就从地质上和土壤盐碱的运动上来分析上面所提出的问题,把问题弄个水落石出。 Recently, people are very concerned about the problem of soil salinization. What is going on with salinization? Some people say, “Salt comes with water and salt goes with water.” How do you understand this? How do you come from, where do you go, where do you come from, where do you go, and where do you go? With regard to the relationship between salinization and alkalinization, to clarify these issues, we can find out the regularity and evolution of the occurrence and development of soil salinization, and thus point out the direction and approach for the prevention and treatment of salinization. Therefore, here we first briefly explain what is called salinization, and then analyze the above-mentioned problems from the geological and soil saline-alkali movements, and solve the problems.
1999年 ,对于全国普通高考来说是一个特殊的年份 :高考内容与形式的改革在高考试卷中体现出来了 .随着近年来对高考改革的呼声逐渐升高 ,教育部从19 98年起就对高考内容与形
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据《人民铁道》报道,2014年12月10日,由南昌开往南京(途经杭州)的G 1492次动车组首次发出,标志着沪(上海)昆(昆明)高速铁路南昌至杭州段正式开通运营,开启了浙赣两省经济发展
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S_△=1/2ah,这一很简单的三角形面积公式,却有着极其丰富的内容。巧用这个公式,可使几何题目解证简捷。1 应用三角形面积的自等性 三角形的三边均可作底边,且任何一个三角形
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