早在2012年末,《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)的执行制片人Steven Moffat就说过,由于几位主演无档期参与新一季的拍摄,第三季将无限期推迟,最早也要到2014年初才能与观众见面。想必各位粉丝都已经等得心急火燎、怨声载道了吧!不过好事多磨,BBC追求的是质量而不是数量,我们至少还可以放心地期待第三季中更加精彩的剧情。话说回来,各位粉丝真把《神探夏洛克》的前两季看得很透彻了吗?是不是只凭借声音和图像连猜带蒙地懂个大概
As early as the end of 2012, Steven Moffat, the executive producer of Sherlock, said that since several stars starred in the new season, the third quarter will be postponed indefinitely until early 2014. Can meet with the audience. Presumably, all the fans have already waited eagerly and grievances, but the good things are too grueling. The BBC is pursuing quality rather than quantity, and we can at least rest assured that we will have a more exciting story in the third quarter. Anyway, did fans really see the first two quarters of Sherlock’s Sherlock thoroughly? Isn’t it just with sounds and images to guess and understand?