Before every semester exam, especially before the school year exam and entrance exam, teachers are overworked and meticulously prepared lesson plans to formulate a large number of review materials, so that students can spend the whole day in the room. However, some parents are even more impressed by the desire to achieve success. In the case of overcapacity of their children, they must also add extra-curricular activities, which will cause students’ dizziness, vertigo, and tinnitus to gradually decline. For this reason, the author urges schools and parents to ignore the students’ physical exercise on the eve of the exam. Physical exercise has the function of “escape”, and its science is based on the “negative induction” of the cerebral cortex, which is mainly indicated by neurophysiology. First of all, the physical movement of students in learning is a partial, one-sided, single activity. They are mainly hands, arms, brains, eyes, etc., while the body parts of the legs, waist, abdomen, and head are not fully exercised. Participate in moderate physical exercise can promote the whole body