大白菜自交不亲和系配制一代杂交种时,在隔离区大白菜开花期投放适量的蜂群,是提高大白菜杂交产量与质量的关键措施。长势中等的大白菜地块1 334 m2配制1箱强壮蜂群(每箱约8脾蜂),长势旺盛的大白菜制种地块667 m2配制1箱强壮蜂群授粉比较适宜。这样,制种区内既有足量的大白菜花株保证蜜蜂有稳定的花粉可采,又可提高大白菜杂交制种产量70%以上,种子质量达到国家一级种子标准。(河南省西峡县成人中专
Chinese cabbage self-incompatibility of the preparation of the first-generation hybrids, cabbage flowering in the isolation zone put appropriate amount of bees, is to improve the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage key measures. Growing medium Chinese cabbage plots 1 334 m2 preparation of a box of strong bee colony (about 8 splendens per box), growing Chinese cabbage planted plots 667 m2 preparation 1 box strong bee pollination more appropriate. In this way, both cucumber plants in the seedling area have sufficient quantities of Chinese cabbage plants to ensure stable pollen recoverable, and the yield of Chinese cabbage can be increased by more than 70%, and the seed quality meets the national first-class seed standard. (Xixia County, Henan Province Adult Secondary School