讲究生活设计感 我们希望花费很少金钱和精力,就能迅速改变房间面貌,这可能吗?当然可以。诀窍是改变顺序、改变颜色、添加饰品这三点。你看,一个简单的客厅能够如此多变,只需要深谙这三点技巧。 变化前屋子里的原有家具:地板、窗帘等基本装修都保留。墙壁一端的多功能书柜兼视听柜——体积大。不易移动,保留在原位。 一个有双扶手的三人沙发——大件家具,质量良好。
Pay attention to the sense of design life We want to spend little money and energy, you can quickly change the face of the room, is this possible? Of course you can. The trick is to change the order, change the color, add jewelry these three points. You see, a simple living room can be so varied, only need to know these three tips. Before the change of the original furniture in the house: floor, curtains and other basic decoration are retained. Multifunctional bookcase and audiovisual cabinet at one end of the wall - bulky. Not easy to move, keep in place. A three-person sofa with double armrests - large furniture, good quality.