郑成功,福建南安人,原名森,字大木,生于明天启四年(1624年),卒于南明永历十六年(1962年),是我国历史上的著名军事统帅。关于郑成功军事问题的研究,近年来有了很大程度的进展,这些研究成果,初步涉及到了郑成功的治军、练兵、用人、军饷的解决、军事才能以及对某些战役战斗的分析等等。本文拟就郑成功的军事制度作一初步探讨,不当之处,恳请读者指正。 郑成功生长于明末清初,目睹了明末军队军纪废弛,武备不修,兵无节制,将不知兵,不堪战守的弊端,又根据自身以海为家,以东南沿海岛屿、山地为抗清根据地的特点,建立了一整套完全不同于明代卫所制度的新的军事制度,用以抗击战斗力很强的清朝军队,我们从以下几个方面对此加以论述。
Zheng Chenggong, native of Nan’an, formerly known as Mori, is a famous military commander in the history of our country. He was born four years after tomorrow (1624) and died in Nanking Yongli for 16 years (1962). The research on Zheng Chenggong’s military problems has made great progress in recent years. These research results mainly relate to Zheng Chenggong’s efforts of running the army, training troops, employing people, paying salaries, military capabilities and analyzing the battle of certain campaigns. This article intends to Zheng Chenggong military system to make a preliminary discussion, inappropriate, please readers correct. Zheng Chenggong grew up in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and witnessed the military discipline in the late Ming and the slack, military refraining, military incompetence, will not know the soldiers, bear the brunt of the war, but also based on their own home for the sea to the southeast coastal islands, mountains and resistance Qing according to the characteristics of the land, set up a completely different from the Ming Dynasty Wei system of the new military system, to combat a very strong fighting Qing forces, we from the following aspects to be discussed.