Soil Aeration Variability as Affected by Reoxidation

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The interplay between soil physical parameters during the recovery from anoxic stresses (reoxidation) is largely unrecognized. This study was conducted to characterise the soil aeration status and derive correlations between variable aeration factors during reoxidation. Surface layers (0-30 cm) of three soil types, Haplic Phaeozem, Mollic Gleysol, and Eutric Cambisol (FAO soil group), were selected for analysis. The moisture content was determined for a range of pF values (0, 1.5, 2.2, 2.7, and 3.2), corresponding to the available water for microorganisms and plant roots. The variability of a number of soil aeration parameters, such as water potential (pF), air-filled porosity (Eg), oxygen diffusion rate (ODR), and redox potential (Eh), were investigated. These parameters were found to be interrelated in most cases. There were significant (P < 0.001) negative correlations of pF, Eg, and ODR with Eh. A decrease in water content as a consequence of soil reoxidation was manifested by an increase in the values of aeration factors in the soil environment. These results contributed to understanding of soil redox processes during recovery from flooding and might be useful for development of agricultural techniques aiming at soil reoxidation and soil fertility optimisation. The interplay between soil physical parameters during the recovery from anoxic stresses (reoxidation) is largely unrecognized. This study was conducted to characterise the soil aeration status and derive correlations between variable aeration factors during reoxidation. Surface layers (0-30 cm) of three soil types, Haplic Phaeozem, Mollic Gleysol, and Eutric Cambisol (FAO soil group), were selected for analysis. The moisture content was determined for a range of pF values ​​(0, 1.5, 2.2, 2.7, and 3.2), corresponding to the available water for microorganisms and plant roots. The variability of a number of soil aeration parameters, such as water potential (pF), air-filled porosity (Eg), oxygen diffusion rate (ODR), and redox potential (Eh), were investigated. These parameters were found to be interrelated in most cases. There were significant (P <0.001) negative correlations of pF, Eg, and ODR with Eh. A decrease in water content as a consequence of soil reoxidation was manifested by an i ncrease in the values ​​of aeration factors in the soil environment. These results contributed to understanding of soil redox processes during recovery from flooding and might be useful for development of agricultural techniques aiming at soil reoxidation and soil fertility optimization.
[Objective]The research aimed to study the types,distributions and characteristics of vegetation and soil along Qinghai-Tibet Railway.[Method]Types,distribution
1872年1月23日,紫禁城北风狂卷。  寅时三刻,蒙蒙胧胧的夜色还笼罩着皇城,内阁大学士宋晋坐在朝房的茶几边,从怀里摸出怀表看了看,这个时候帝国皇帝同治还在梦中。旁边的大臣们围在一起闲聊。  卯时的钟声响起来,一名太监掀开了风帘,李鸿章走在最前面,宋晋跟在李鸿章的身后。群臣鱼贯而入养心殿,还没有亲政的小皇帝同治哈欠连天,帘子后面的西太后慈禧轻轻地哼了一声,同治皇帝顿时规规矩矩地坐端正了。没等李鸿