During the novelCoronavirus Outbreak(新型冠状病毒爆发), you might still want to take a walk or run to stayhealthy. How do you stay safe while exercising?
The British health department gives some advice.People should keep adistance of 1.8 meters from others to stop the spread ofmucus droplets that carry the virus. At this distance, the droplets will fall to the ground before they can touch other people.
But according to a new study, more must be done. If you’re running with another person, you should run side-by-side. This alsoreduces the risk ofinfection .
Researchers in Belgiumsimulated a situation in which two people were walking or running together. When one person coughed orsneezed while running in front of the other, his or her droplets would hit the person running behind. But when they ran side-by-side, the droplets would be left behind, making them less likely to spread the virus.
Teach you steps to improve yourimmune system :Increase your vitamin D levels. You can get vitamin D through sunlight and some foods, including fish, eggs ,cheese ,and mushrooms.
Get enough sleep. Most people need seven to nine hours each night. Just one night of poor sleep can re? duce your immunecell count by as much as 70 percent.
Exercise often. This will keep your body healthy and strong. Even at home, you can do exercise like push-ups andlunges to stay fit.
The British health department gives some advice.People should keep adistance of 1.8 meters from others to stop the spread ofmucus droplets that carry the virus. At this distance, the droplets will fall to the ground before they can touch other people.
But according to a new study, more must be done. If you’re running with another person, you should run side-by-side. This alsoreduces the risk ofinfection .
Researchers in Belgiumsimulated a situation in which two people were walking or running together. When one person coughed orsneezed while running in front of the other, his or her droplets would hit the person running behind. But when they ran side-by-side, the droplets would be left behind, making them less likely to spread the virus.
Teach you steps to improve yourimmune system :Increase your vitamin D levels. You can get vitamin D through sunlight and some foods, including fish, eggs ,cheese ,and mushrooms.
Get enough sleep. Most people need seven to nine hours each night. Just one night of poor sleep can re? duce your immunecell count by as much as 70 percent.
Exercise often. This will keep your body healthy and strong. Even at home, you can do exercise like push-ups andlunges to stay fit.