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全球流动劳动力市场已从20世纪80年代初的每年2000万,上升至现在的近3500万。去年各有800万菲律宾人和墨西哥人非法出境赴海外务工,而赴海外务工的中国人只有54万。而中国合法境外流动就业人口总量不足国际市场份额的1%。中国应当在这一市场中更有作为!当前,发达国家、尤其西欧的劳动力市场空间巨大,原因是其人口减少,老龄化严重,愿干“脏活重活”的劳动力更加缺乏。而中国在劳动力市场化方面做得远远不足。放眼全球,只有以色列、日本、俄罗斯、新加坡等国向中国劳力有限度开放市场,而其它国家则对中国劳工厉行限制——部分原因是东道国怕中国务工人员滞留不归,更多原因有二:太多部门卷入海外务工批准程序,互相扯皮;中国劳工得到的培训太少;无法适应全球市场不断变化的需求。启示是现成的:全球劳动力市场正成为人口众多的中国的机遇。中国人要把握住,不要落在后面——曾被偷渡现象困扰不已的福建,正摸索一条公民就业的新路。 The global mobile labor market has risen from 20 million annually in the early 1980s to nearly 35 million now. Last year, each of eight million Filipinos and Mexicans illegally left for overseas employment, while only 540,000 arrived overseas. While the total legal floating population in China is less than 1% of the international market. At present, the labor market in developed countries, especially in Western Europe, is huge. Due to its declining population and aging population, the labor force that wants to work dirty and dirty is even more scarce. And China has done far less in the labor market. In the world, only Israel, Japan, Russia, Singapore and other countries have limited market access to Chinese labor while other countries impose restrictions on Chinese laborers - in part because the host country is afraid Chinese workers will not be residing for more than one reason: Too many departments are involved in the process of approval of overseas workers, passing on each other; too little training for Chinese workers; unable to adapt to the changing needs of the global market. The revelation is ready: The global labor market is becoming an opportunity for a populous China. The Chinese should grasp and do not fall behind - Fujian, once troubled by smuggling, is exploring a new path for citizens to get employed.
高剂量、大束流的O~+或N~+注入硅中经高温退火后能形成质量很好的SOI(Silicon onInsulater)材料。在波数范围为5000—1500cm~(-1)的红外波段内,硅及SiO_2或Si_3N_4绝缘埋层对
Purpose: To evaluate the quality of 24- hour intraocular pressure (IOP) control between morning-and evening-dosed travoprost in primary open-angle glaucoma pati
The effects of charging and outgassing on the friction and wear of Ni-P amorphous and nanocrystalline coatings were studied under ambient humidity and temperatu
知道大家在背后叫自己“苍耳”时,林小陌心里其实是很难过的,他小时候生活在农村,知道“苍耳”的特殊习性,那就是十分黏人、很惹人厌,但表面上,他依旧装作无所谓。  林小陌喜欢热闹,才刚转学来不久,就很快融入了班集体。林小陌是个农村孩子,上学后才进城的,他跟着在城里打工的父母,辗转过很多城市,奔波在所难免。第一次轉学时,他和新集体格格不入,总是孤单单一个人。后来转学次数多了,才有了经验。  讨生活的艰难
“好好看看这些照片吧!群山的轮廓每小时都有明显的改变!”埃扎尔故作镇静,缓缓地说。  “你的意思是说,它们不是山?”诺勒紧张得喘不过起来。  埃扎尔默默点头。  他们的飞船停在蒙特尔星系这颗最远的行星上。四周光秃秃的,满目凄凉。来过蒙特尔星系的人说,这里好多行星上都有着异乎寻常的地形地貌。几星期起来,生物学家埃扎尔一直在忐忑不安地观察。每天,他都拍下许多群山的照片。  经过反复比较这些照片,埃扎尔
他们从不走出这所房子。  哈利总是第一个起床,接着其他三男两女也陆续醒来。每天都是如此。他们六人不是因为感觉天亮了所以起床,而是一直睡到再也睡不着才起来。他们白天从不做任何事,但不知为什么,一挨着床却能睡得很香。  他们没有必要做什么,仓库每天都为他们提供一切。每天晚上他们锁上仓库,第二天早晨开门时,所需的东西——比如食品、衣服、新的洗衣机——应有尽有。至于为什么会这样,他们却从没深究过。  然而
Tin dioxide(SnO2) and La-doped(1%,5%,10% in mass ratio) SnO2 samples were prepared via a hydrothermal method. The as-prepared powders were characterized by X-ra