一年一度的暑假生活即将来临,在将近两个月没有学校规章制度约束的时间里,要过一个有意义的假期,切忌生活毫无节制,任意放纵自流。放假了,没有了学校领导、班主任及任课老师的提醒叮嘱,一些同学便会洋洋自得,忘乎其形,飘飘然起来,经不住同学朋友的邀请相约,三更灯火五更天,正是男儿畅饮时,每每酒致兴处就乱说一通,丑态百出。什么学生身份、团员身份,一概不加思考。更有甚者搓麻将、进舞场、入卡拉 OK 厅,进电子游戏室。终日昏昏沉沉,忙
The annual summer vacation is approaching. In the absence of school rules and regulations in the past two months, a meaningful holiday is required and no one is allowed to live without restraint and arbitrary. During the holidays, without the reminders of school leaders, class teachers, and classroom teachers, some classmates would be self-satisfied, forget about their shapes, and swayed, unable to meet the invitation of classmates and friends. When you drink, every time you drink, you make a mess and you’re full of ridicule. What student status, membership status, without thinking. There are even mahjong, dance halls, karaoke halls, and video game rooms. Drowsy all day long, busy