提起傅雷的译作,则不能不想到罗曼·罗兰和巴尔扎克。与许多作家一样,译者的风格和趣味也不会骤然形成、一成不变,尽管如此,看到傅雷出版的第一部译作是《夏洛外传》时,也不禁会好奇,傅雷与卓别林,这两个画风截然不同的人如何结缘?《夏洛外传》全名《卓别麟创造的英雄——夏洛外传》,主角是卓别林电影中流浪汉的原型,但此书的作者其实是法国作家菲利普·苏波(Philippe Soupault)。苏波是法国
With the translation of Fu Lei, you can not help but think of Roman Roland and Balzac. Like many writers, the style and taste of the translator will not emerge abruptly. However, when they see the first translation published by Fu Lei as “Charlotte Gaiden,” they can not help but wonder. Fu Lei and Chaplin, The two different styles of people how to get involved? “Charlotte biography” full name “Chaplin’s Hero - Charlotte biography”, the protagonist is Chaplin in the prototype of the tramp, but the author of this book In fact, the French writer Philippe Soupault. Su Bo is France