曹撰华 Co Ku hu(1935— ) 上海青浦人。女。1951年毕业于江苏省青浦县练塘镇颜安中学。历任中共江苏省青浦县委办公室档案员,中共上海市江宁区委办公室档案员,上海市静安区档案馆副馆长、档案局副局长。副研究馆员。撰写的文章有《怎样做好文书档案收集工作》。 陈坤龙 Chn Kn lng(1935—1988)浙江慈溪人。1960年卢湾区干部红专学院文科肄业。历任上海市卢湾区人民委员会第六、七办事处副主任、主任,卢湾区人民委员会劳动科副科长、办公室副主任,卢湾区淮海街道办事处副主任,上海市规划局建管处综合科科长,上海市城建档案馆筹备组成员,上海市规划局办公室副主任、法规处处长。副研究馆员。上海市城市经济学会副秘书长。发表有《上海主要建筑技术档案保存完整,对当前城市建设发挥重要作用》、《城建档案与经济效益》、《要重视建筑技术档案的作用》等文。
Cao Wuhua Co Ku hu (1935-) Shanghai Qingpu people. Female. 1951 graduated from Yan’an Middle School, Liantang Town, Qingpu County, Jiangsu Province. Served as archivist of Qingpu County Office of Jiangsu Province, archivist of Jiangning District CPC Committee Office in Shanghai, Deputy Director of Archives of Jing’an District in Shanghai, Deputy Director of Archives Bureau. Associate research librarian. Written article entitled “How to do a good job archives files.” Chen Kun Long Chn Kn lng (1935-1988) Cixi, Zhejiang. In 1960, Luwan District Red Cross College liberal arts industry. Former Shanghai Luwan District People’s Committee sixth and seventh offices deputy director, director, Luwan District People’s Committee Deputy Chief of Labor, deputy director of the office, Luwan District Huaihai Street Office Deputy Director, Planning and Construction Bureau of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Integrated Section Long, Shanghai Urban Construction Archives preparatory team members, Shanghai Municipal Planning Bureau deputy director, director of regulations. Associate research librarian. Shanghai City Economic Association Deputy Secretary-General. Published “Shanghai main building archives preserved, play an important role in the current urban construction”, “urban construction archives and economic benefits”, “should pay attention to the role of architectural technology files” and other articles.