ADS即自动相关监视,是英文Automatic Dependent Surveillance的缩写,是一种监视技术,由飞机将机上导航定位系统导出的数据通过数据链自动地发送,这些数据至少应包括飞机识别码、四维位置和所需附加数据。ADS这个名字是由国际民航组织未来航行系统委员会根据卫星技术在空中交通管制服务中的应用而命名的。该系统自动收集、处理信息,自动发送,自动显示,无须人为干预。地
ADS is automatic related monitoring, is an acronym for Automatic Dependent Surveillance in English. It is a surveillance technology that automatically sends data derived from aircraft navigation and positioning system by aircraft through the data link. The data should include at least aircraft identification code, four-dimensional location and location Need to attach data. The name ADS is named after the ICAO Commission on Future Sailing Systems based on the use of satellite technology in air traffic control services. The system automatically collects, processes information, automatically sends, automatically displays, without human intervention. Ground