1 进入施工现场不戴安全帽和戴不符合规定的安全帽,或安全帽无带子.2 生产场所穿高跟鞋.3 高空作业不系双控安全带.4 登杆作业不检查登高工具.5 错用工作票.6 停电的工作地点、内容不符合实际情况.7 工作票不按照“二票三制”的要求填写和送达(工作负责人不相符,工作内容含糊,接地线不全或错位,交待的带电部位或色标不相符,工作票不提前一天送到变电所或工作许可人手中).
1 No helmets and non-conforming helmets or helmets are not available when entering the job site .2 High-heeled shoes are worn in production sites. 3 High-altitude operations do not involve double-controlled seat belts. Work ticket .6 blackout place of work, the content does not conform to the actual situation .7 work ticket is not in accordance with the “two-vote three system” requirements to fill in and delivery (work person in charge does not match, the work content is ambiguous, Charged parts or color coordinates do not match, work tickets not sent to the substation or work permit one day in advance of hands).