Singular formalism and admissible control of spacecraft with rotating flexible solar array

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bxybxy0531
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This paper is concerned with the attitude control of a three-axis-stabilized spacecraft which consists of a central rigid body and a flexible sun-tracking solar array driven by a solar array drive assembly. Based on the linearization of the dynamics of the spacecraft and the modal identities about the flexible and rigid coupling matrices,the spacecraft attitude dynamics is reduced to a formally singular system with periodically varying parameters,which is quite different from a spacecraft with fixed appendages. In the framework of the singular control theory,the regularity and impulse-freeness of the singular system is analyzed and then admissible attitude controllers are designed by Lyapunov’s method. To improve the robustness against system uncertainties,an H1optimal control is designed by optimizing the H1norm of the system transfer function matrix.Comparative numerical experiments are performed to verify the theoretical results. This paper is concerned with the attitude control of a three-axis-stabilized spacecraft which consists of a central rigid body and a flexible sun-tracking solar array driven by a solar array drive assembly. Based on the linearization of the dynamics of the spacecraft and the modal identities about the flexible and rigid coupling matrices, the spacecraft attitude dynamics is reduced to a formally singular system with periodically varying parameters, which is quite different from a spacecraft with fixed appendages. In the framework of the singular control theory, the regularity and impulse-freeness of the singular system is analyzed and then admissible attitude controllers are designed by Lyapunov’s method. To improve the robustness against system uncertainties, an H1 optimal control is designed by optimizing the H1norm of the system transfer function matrix. verify the theoretical results.
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