During the Guangzhou Asian Games on November 20, 2010, the large-scale audio-video and electrical appliance store in Foshan City - Mingying Audio-Visual Electric Appliance City was grandly opened in Foshan City, Foshan City, Weifang Building, No.73 Weiguo Road, Foshan City. At the same time, SWT Wolfe’s first 5S store in the Pearl River Delta opened on the 4th floor of the famous audio and video appliances city. As one of the largest high-end audio and video products and appliance stores in Foshan area, the company has gathered a number of audio and video brands, including Wharfedale, Quad, KEF, ProAc, B&W, FocusAudio, etc., as well as Sony and Panasonic. Panasonic and other consumer electronics international brands are all-inclusive and should be exhausted.