1949年10月,伴随着开国大典的隆隆礼炮声,《河北教育》呱呱堕地了。与新中国同龄!这不能不让我们每一个在河北教育战线工作过的同志感到自豪! 《河北教育》创刊伊始,便得到了党和政府、教育界前辈和读者的厚爱。徐特立、郭沫若、黄炎培、叶圣陶等著名革命家、教育家亲笔为创刊号题词,广大读者也纷纷寄语,表达了他们对这份刊物的殷切期望。在党和政府、教育界前辈和读者的亲切关怀下,《河北教育》以“迎接新时代的教
In 1949 October, along with the founding ceremony of the rumored salute, “Hebei Education” came to an end. With the same age of new China! This can not but be proud of every one of us who have worked in education in Hebei Province. At the beginning of the publication of “Hebei Education”, it gained the love of the party and government, education predecessors and readers. Xu Teli, Guo Moruo, Huang Yanpei, Ye Shengtao and other famous revolutionaries and educators wrote their inscriptions for the first issue. Many readers also expressed their wishes and expressed their ardent expectations for this publication. Under the cordial concern of the party and the government, educators and readers, “Hebei Education” takes "to meet the new era of teaching