在Alana Dee Haynes的设计中,绘画一直是他冥想的方式。每天看到不同的面孔,不同的图案,Alana就会用相机把她的遐想记录下来,以用于日后的灵感开发。这一新系列花纹,第一眼看完会给你混乱涂鸦的感觉,就像年轻人头脑空白时随意画出来的一样。然而,当你细心观察,你会发现原初的图案和Alana的手绘完美地合二为一。而且作品自身表现非同一般的震撼力与和谐感。通过一系列错综复杂的环节,Alana以细腻的笔触展现了图像异样的美。
In Alana Dee Haynes’s design, painting has always been his way of meditation. Every day I see different faces, different patterns, Alana will use the camera to record her reverie for future inspiration. This new series of patterns, the first glance will give you the feeling of chaos graffiti, just as young people free to draw the blank mind the same. However, when you look carefully, you will find that the original motif and Alana’s hand-drawing are perfectly integrated. And the works themselves perform extraordinary shock and sense of harmony. Through a series of intricate links, Alana shows the strange beauty of the image with delicate brush strokes.