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【正】 北京市人民政府令第204号《北京市公共场所禁止吸烟范围若干规定》已经2008年3月24日市人民政府第2次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2008年5月1日起施行。市长郭金龙二
The impact of a smart city as one of the new urban forms on the city is still in the exploratory stage. Therefore, it is necessary to fully analyze the impact o
<正>Lenzing is presenting &#39;Natural Connection&#39;,the new marketing concept especially for TENCEL/cotton blends,at the China International Trade Fair for A
<正>China is making its formidable presence felt at Rio’s famed carnival, supplying much of the synthetic fabric used to make the lavish costumes and accessori
As the most important sacrificial architecture in rural China, ancestral halls are material expressions of the traditional social, cultural and artistic spirit,
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<正>Today the word&#39;complicated&#39;becomes a hot term in commenting on the current economic situation;however,it leaves the majority a lot of confusion and