去年八月中旬,一位年过六旬的老太婆手持拐杖蹒跚地走进北流县隆盛信用社,为其死去的养子偿还了一笔长达10年之久的贷款,一时被传为佳话。 老妪名叫梁昭珍,是隆盛镇南禄村人。丈夫早已去世,膝下无儿无女。在十几年前,她从邻居领养了一个儿子。为改善家庭生活条件,让“母亲”安度晚年,长大成人的养子于1983年向信用社借了800元钱养鸡,但由于种种原因致使养鸡失败,祸不单行,不久养子也因病离开人世。这笔贷款未归还,成了梁昭珍的一桩心事,即使有多大的困难,
In mid-August last year, a 60-year-old old woman waddled his walking stick into Beiliu County Longsheng Credit Cooperative and repatriated a 10-year-old loan to his deceased adopter. Lao Jiao named Liang Zhaozhen, is Longsheng Nanlu village. Husband had already died, no child under the knee. More than a decade ago, she adopted a son from her neighbor. In order to improve the living conditions of the family, the “mother” was recuperated in late years and a grown-up adoptive child borrowed 800 yuan from the credit cooperatives in 1983 for raising chickens. However, due to various reasons, chickens failed and their cause was gone. Soon his adopted son also left due to illness Human beings. This loan was not returned, became Liang Zhaozhao a thing, even with how difficult,