
来源 :衡器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushiguo208
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从国家产业政策、技术发展、物联网给衡器企业和用户带来价值等视角探讨衡器+物联网,而不考虑物联网产品所选择的开发模式,结果可能是衡器生产厂家得到物联网但却失去整个市场,或者衡器生产厂家不再是优胜劣汰而是劣币驱除良币和被迫委身依附。上游龙头应从行业生态和发展的角度看待衡器+物联网,将物联网的最高权限交给衡器生产厂家,坚持分工合作模式,用正物联网技术,不介入衡器生产和销售领域,而这正是耀华物联网的发展定位和战略选择。 From the national industrial policy, technological development, the Internet of things to bring value to the weighing business and users such as weighing instrument + IOT, regardless of the development mode selected IoT products, the result may be weighing device manufacturers get the Internet of Things but lost The entire market, or weighing instrument manufacturers are no longer the survival of the fittest, but bad coins get rid of good money and were forced to commit themselves. Upstream leader should be from the perspective of industry ecology and development of Weighing + IOT, the highest authority IoT to weighing manufacturers, adhere to the division of labor and cooperation mode, with the Internet of things technology, not involved in the production and sale of scales, and this is Yaohua IOT development orientation and strategic choice.