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分析了在压缩蒸汽制冷循环中增加液体制冷剂的过冷度后,对循环制冷性能的影响;综述了机械式过冷、依靠自身冷量过冷、冰蓄冷式过冷和基于热电原理的过冷四种过冷方式的研究现状。通过对比发现,这些过冷方式一方面以牺牲一部分制冷量来获得过冷,另一方面则是增加了能量的消耗,对整个系统而言并不一定能达到节能的目的。然而对于基于热电原理的过冷技术而言,热电元件结构简单、运行稳定,在很小的温差下,具有很高的制冷效率;但是其热端散热不佳,是制约其制冷效率低的主要原因,文中提出采用热管为其散热,保证热电元件在高效率下运行,可以达到节能的目的。 The effects of increasing the subcooling degree of liquid refrigerant on the performance of the recirculation refrigeration system after the refrigerant refrigeration cycle is analyzed are summarized. The mechanical subcooling, the overcooling of the subcooling capacity, The research status of four cold subcooling methods. By comparison, it is found that these overcooling methods can not only achieve the purpose of energy saving but also increase the energy consumption by sacrificing a part of the cooling capacity on the one hand and the energy consumption on the other hand. However, for the supercooling technology based on the thermoelectric theory, the thermoelectric element has the advantages of simple structure and stable operation, and has very high cooling efficiency under a small temperature difference; however, the poor heat dissipation at the hot end restricts the low efficiency of the thermoelectric element Reason, the paper proposed the use of heat pipe for its heat to ensure that the thermoelectric elements operating at high efficiency, energy saving can be achieved.
Theselectiveoxidationofalkanesintotheircor respondingolefinshasattractedgreatinterestinre centyears .Ethaneisthesecondmajorcomponentofnaturalgas .Theindustrial
报告2例喉咽、颈食管及喉严重损伤所造成喉咽、颈食管长段缺损的患者,描述整复方法,并讨论造成缺损的医源性因素。 Two patients with hypopharyngeal and cervical esophag
17例(19只眼)因玻璃体混浊,眼底窥不见,作了玻璃体切割,术前视力:光感~0.1,术后视力::0.03—0.9。19只眼术前均作了 ERG检查,5只眼作了术后 ERG 复查。对术前ERG b 波振幅与术
米××女4岁住院号153957 双眼先天性青光眼。1985年4月12日入院。一般体格检查和化验均正常。其父母非近亲通婚。家族中无类似眼病史。眼部检查:双眼视力均为眼前指数。轻
目的 总结胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)的诊断与治疗经验.方法 回顾分析2001年至2005年收治并经病理和免疫组化证实的26例GIST的临床资料.结果 患者平均年龄53岁,男女比例为1.2∶1,部位以胃及小肠多见.组织学表现为梭形细胞和上皮样细胞,免疫表型CD117阳性率79%,CD34阳性率74 %,SMA阳性率27 %,S-100蛋白阳性率14 %.26例GIST患者均行根治手术或局部切除手术.结
虽然我的身份是学生,但在刚刚过去的暑假,我也体验了一把职场生活——在某国际大型活动中担任志愿者。谁想到上岗没几天,各类“事故”就层出不穷,尤其是第一天——“Excuse m