面对火魔所造成的灾难,人们往往侧重于关心那层表面数字:烧毁房屋几间,直接损失多少,等等。然而,对于那些遭遇火魔肆虐的受灾居民来说,财物的损失,仅仅是一时之痛,因火灾所带给他们的心灵创伤远比财物的损失要苦楚得多。那幕难以忘怀的不幸遭遇,一如烙印,永远铭刻于他们心里,并常常使他们思之不寒而栗,想之不堪回首! 一 一个阴雨霏霏的日子,我在商店里邂逅了王权。要不是他先招呼于我,我是绝对不会认出他的,因为他现在的模样,实在难以使我把
In the face of the fire caused by the fire devil, people tend to focus on the surface layer of that figure: burning a few houses, how much direct loss, and so on. However, for those residents affected by the fire-ravages, the loss of property is only a temporary pain. The trauma brought by the fire is much more painful than the loss of property. That unforgettable unfortunate experience that scene, as imprinted, always engraved in their hearts, and often make them think chilling, emaciated! One rainy day, I met in the store the monarchy. If it is not for him to say hello to me first, I will never recognize him because he looks like it is really difficult for me to