
来源 :机械研究与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccwawa
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我国自主研发的C919飞机即将进入适航取证阶段,飞机噪声适航审定规章对边线噪声作了相应规定,因而预测飞机的边线噪声级可为噪声适航审定提供参考,其中边线衰减是预测边线噪声级的一个重要部分。为了预测C919飞机的边线衰减,对国际汽车工程师协会SAE中的边线衰减几何模型和算法进行了研究,并根据边线衰减与仰角和边线偏移距离的关系,绘制了边线衰减曲线,结合由飞机-噪声-性能ANP数据库算得的C919飞机起飞航迹预测边线衰减。 China’s self-developed C919 aircraft is about to enter the stage of airworthiness certification. Aircraft noise airworthiness approval regulations make provisions for edge noise. Therefore, forecasting of the aircraft edge noise level can provide reference for noise airworthiness validation. The edge attenuation is the prediction of edge noise An important part of the class. In order to predict the edge attenuation of C919 aircraft, the geometric model and algorithm of edge attenuation in SAE are studied. According to the relation between edge attenuation and elevation angle and edge offset distance, the curve of edge attenuation is plotted, Noise - Performance ANP database calculated C919 aircraft takeoff track edge attenuation.
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