苏里南是 GSP 及洛美协定受益国,除纺织品、成衣、手表及石油产品不在 GSP 优惠行列。大部分产品可免税销往美国及欧洲,此外,该国也是加勒比海共同体的一员,但并不参与共同体与委内瑞拉及哥伦比亚的双边贸易协定。苏里南进口以机械及运输设备为主,其次为化学品及无机燃料。铝及矾土则为该国首要出口项目,虾及米次之。
Suriname is a beneficiary of the GSP and Lomé agreements, except that textiles, clothing, watches, and petroleum products are not eligible for GSP benefits. Most products are exempt from taxation to the United States and Europe. In addition, the country is also a member of the Caribbean Community but does not participate in the bilateral trade agreements between the Community and Venezuela and Colombia. Suriname imports mainly mechanical and transport equipment, followed by chemicals and inorganic fuels. Aluminum and bauxite are the country’s top export items, shrimp and rice are the second largest.