Objective: To investigate the significance of immunophenotyping in childhood acute leukemia by flow cytometry. Methods: The immunophenotypes of 185 children with acute leukemia were detected by flow cytometry with three-color fluorescence labeling and CD45 / SSC double-parameter scatter plot. The antigen expression was analyzed. Results: The coincidence rate of FACS and immunofluorescence was 89.19%. In 185 children with acute leukemia, ALL was 121 (65.41%) and B-ALL was 113 (99.12%), CD22 (98.13%), CD79a (96.19%) and CD10 ( 86.73%). T-ALL accounted for 8 cases; mainly expressed CD5 (100%), CD7 (100%), cCD3 (100%), CD8 (87.5%). There were 47 cases (25.41%) with AML, the main expressed CD33 (93.62%), CD15 (78.72%), CD64 (76.6%), MPO (76.6%) and CD13 (74.47%). Among B-ALL, AML and T-ALL, the most sensitive antibodies were CD19, CD33, CD5 and CD7, respectively. The most specific antibodies were CD79a, MPO and cCD3, respectively. AMLL was 17 cases, accounting for 9.19%, of which B / M was 9 cases, T / B was 5 cases, T / M was 3 cases. My -ALL was 54 cases, accounting for 44.63% of ALL. The expressed myeloid antigens were CD13, CD15, CD33 and CD64. Ly + -AML was 18 cases, accounting for 38.30% of AML, the expression of lymphoid antigen CD19, CD4, CD7. The expression of CD34 was 67.57%, the expression of HLA-DR was 85.41%, the expression of CD38 was 80.59% and the expression of TdT was 62.59%. CONCLUSION: Flow cytometry immunophenotyping plays an important role in the typing of leukemia, which is the complement and amendment of FAB typing and improves the diagnostic accuracy of acute leukemia in children. It is necessary to further standardize the immunofluorescence of flow cytometry .