淋巴瘤合并慢性粒细胞性白血病、报道不多,现将我院收治一例报道如以: 王××,男,34岁,农民,白族,剑川籍。全身浅淋巴结肿大二月,于1986年10月6日入我院。体检:T 37.6℃,P88次/分,R24次/分,Bp136/mmHg,一般情况尚可,皮肤粘膜无黄染及出血。颌下、颈部、腋下及腹股沟均可扪及肿大淋巴结,多为蚕豆大小,最大者为腹股沟淋巴结,左侧3×6cm,右侧2×5cm,中等硬度,尚活动,无红、热、痛、粘连及渗出物。心肺未发现异常。腹软,肝脏未触及,脾脏肿大于左肋下6.5
Lymphoma combined with chronic myeloid leukemia, few reports, now admitted to our hospital as an example reported as: Wang × ×, male, 34 years old, peasant, Bai, Jian Chuan Ji. Whole body superficial lymph nodes in February, on October 6, 1986 into our hospital. Physical examination: T 37.6 ℃, P88 beats / min, R24 beats / min, Bp136 / mmHg, the general situation is acceptable, skin and mucous membrane without yellow dye and bleeding. Submandibular, cervical, armpit and groin palpable and enlarged lymph nodes, mostly for the size of broad beans, the largest inguinal lymph nodes, the left 3 × 6cm, the right 2 × 5cm, moderate hardness, activity, no red, Heat, pain, adhesions and exudates. Cardiopulmonary no abnormalities found. Abdominal soft, liver not touched, spleen enlargement than left rib cage 6.5