茶园的间作、套种,从福建省的茶园现状与茶叶生产历史来看,已积累了不少的經驗。当前在大办农业、大办粮食的生产方針指导下,积极推行合理的间作、套种、經济地利用土地,提高单位面积产量,争时间,解决粮、油、菜爭地矛盾等都具有很大的意义,但是间作、套种所涉及的栽培技术问题較广。以下从间作、套种的作用和栽培技术等問題作出初步分析,以供参考: 一、茶园间作、套种的作用
Tea intercropping, intercropping, from the tea plantation in Fujian Province, the status quo and the history of tea production point of view, has accumulated a lot of experience. Currently, under the guidance of the principle of large-scale agriculture and large grain production, it is imperative to actively promote reasonable intercropping, intercropping, economical use of land, improvement of yield per unit area, battle for time, and resolution of conflicts over food, oil and vegetables. The significance of intercropping and intercropping is broadly concerned with cultivation techniques. The following from intercropping, intercropping and cultivation techniques and other issues to make a preliminary analysis for reference: First, the intercropping of tea, intercropping role